Márton Bartók

Márton Bartók

E-mail: bartokmarton[at]gmail.com

Research areas: Patterns of emotional responses in speech, focusing on glottal changes, the phonetic component of discoursive schemata of affective speech


since 2016 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Budapest: Speech Science MA

2013-2016 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Budapest: Hungarian BA, Language Mentor specialization


Work experience

since 2017 linguist researcher at MTA-ELTE Lendület (’Momentum’) Lingual Articulation Research Group

2015-2016 intern at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Phonetics

Research Projects (as Member)

2016-2021 MTA-ELTE Lendület (’Momentum’) Lingual Articulation Research Group. LP2016-7/2016 (Principal investigator: Alexandra MARKÓ, Department of Phonetics ELTE)

2014-2016 Hungarian-German Exchange Project between the Eötvös Loránd University and the Univeristät zu Köln, funded by TKA-DAAD

Awards, grants

2017 2. prize at the XXXIII. National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference in Phonology, historical linguistics and finno-ugric studies

2015/2016 Fellowship granted by the Republic

2015 2. prize at the XXXIII. National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference in Sociolinguistics

Publications: (MTMT) Altogether 4 publications, of which

  • 2 journal papers (1 international, 1 national)
  • 2 conference papers (1 international, 1 national)

  1. Deme Andrea, Reinhold Greisbach, Michelle Meier, Márton Bartók, Julianna Jankovics, Zsófia Weidl, Alexandra Markó, Tongue and jaw movements in high-pitched sung vowels in Hungarian, In: Speech Research, Zágráb, Horvátország, 2016, p. 2
  2. Deme Andrea, Greisbach Reinhold, Markó Alexandra, Meier Michelle, Bartók Márton, Jankovics Julianna, Weidl Zsófia, Tongue and jaw movements in high-pitched soprano singing : A case study, In: BESZÉDKUTATÁS, vol. 24, 2016, pp. 121-138 DOI