E-mail: csapot[at]tmit.bme.hu
Research areas: articulation, text-to-speech, signal processing, human-machine interfaces.
2014: PhD-degree: 2013, Thesis title: “Increasing the naturalness of synthesized speech in hidden Markov-model based text-to-speech synthesis” (in Hungarian)
Jan 2014–Jul 2014: Fulbright scholarship, Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA, Research topic: „Investigating tongue movement
during speech with ultrasound”.
2008–2013: PhD studies: program of Informatics at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Hungary. Fully funded by state scholarship. Summa cum laude, 100%.
2008: MSc-degree: 2008, Thesis title: “Implementation of prosodic variability in Text-To-Speech systems” (in Hungarian).
2003–2008: MSc Engineer in Technical Informatics, BME, Hungary, Major: Next Generation Networks, Cumulated Grade Average: 4.29/5.00
1999–2003: Kossuth Lajos High School (higher level maths class)
Academic Positions
Dec 2018–: Research fellow, Speech Technology and Smart Interactions Laboratory (SmartLab), Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics (TMIT), Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Hungary.
2016-2017: part time research fellow, MTA
2014–2018: Assistant research fellow, Speech Technology and Smart Interactions Laboratory (SmartLab), Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics (TMIT), Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Hungary.
Jan 2014–Jul 2014: Visiting student researcher, Speech Production Laboratory, Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA.
2011–2014: PhD candidate, BME TMIT SmartLab, Hungary.
2008–2011: PhD student, BME TMIT SmartLab, Hungary.
Teaching Experience
2016–: Smart City laboratory, (in Hungarian), compiled and supervised a new lab on augmented reality applications. BME.
2015–: Software laboratory – databases, (in Hungarian), taught lectures and rated midterm work. BME.
2014–: Infocommunication, (in English), developed course material for English, taught lectures. BME.
2010–: Human-Computer Interaction, (in English and Hungarian), developed course material, assisted and taught lectures, rated mid-term project work.
2010–: Project Laboratory and thesis writing, (in Hungarian), supervised BSc and MSc students. BME and IU.
2008–2015: Measurement Laboratory, (in English and Hungarian), compiled and supervised a new lab on VoiceXML dialog planning and taught Speech Coding Lab. BME.
Successfully defended:
2015: BSc-thesis: Zoltán Umlauf, Message handling on Android extended with speech technology, (Beszédtechnológiával kiegészített üzenetkezelő rendszer Androidon), BME TMIT.
2015: BSc-thesis: Dávid Csopor, Ultrasound-based tongue contour tracking with Deep Neural Networks, (Mély neuronhálók alkalmazása ultrahangos nyelvkontúr követésre), BME TMIT.
2012: BSc-thesis: Balázs Bárány, Speech driven remote control for SmartTV, (Beszéd alapú távvezérlő OkosTV-hez), BME TMIT.
2012: BSc-thesis: Barnabás Péter Weller, Design and application of acoustic icons, (Akusztikus ikonok tervezése és alkalmazása), BME TMIT.
2011: BSc-thesis: Roland Porció, Speech synthesis with spontaneous characteristics, (Spontán jellegű beszéd mesterséges előállítása), BME TMIT.
Awards, Scholarships, Grants
Jul 2016: NVidia Hardware Grant (Titan X GPU)
Mar 2016: Award, Ministry of National Development, Professional Medal for Information
Apr 2015: Award: 1st prize, Huszty Dénes Foundation, PhD Thesis Contest.
Jan 2014–Jul 2014: Fulbright scholarship, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, Unites States of America.
Jan 2014: Grant: Hungarian Academy of Engineering, travel grant to Bloomington.
Oct 2013: Award: 3rd prize, BMe research grant, dissemination contest.
Jul 2013: Grant: Campus Hungary, travel grant to 8th Speech Synthesis Workshop.
May 2013: Award: 1st prize, Microsoft No Time to W8 contest, for the „Weather for All”
application (together with colleagues from BME-TMIT).
Apr 2010: Grant: Acoustical Society of America, International Student Grant.
Sep 2009: Grant: Bizáky Puky Péter Foundation, travel grant to Interspeech 2009.
May 2009: Award: 3rd prize, Audio Engineering Society (Hungary), MSc Thesis Contest.
Nov 2007: Award: 2nd prize, Scientific Students’ Associations Annual Conference of BME.
Nov 2007: Award: 1st prize, Scientific Students’ Assoc. Ann. Conf. of BME (in German).
Sep 2007–Aug 2008: Scholarship of the Hungarian Republic, awarded by the Ministry of Education of the Hungarian Republic.
Sep 2007–Jan 2008: Scholarship of the Faculty, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, BME.
Sep 2007–Jan 2008: Scholarship of the University, Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
Aug 2007: Grant: International Speech Communication Association, travel grant to Interspeech 2007.
Apr 2007: Award: 1st prize, National Conference of Scientific Students’ Associations.
Nov 2006: Award: 1st prize, Scientific Students’ Association Annual Conference of BME.
Research Projects, Grants
2018–2021: NKFIH PD-18 research project (127915)
Topic: “Development of silent speech interfaces and investigation of speaker dependency using ultrasound tongue imaging and electromagnetic articulography” PI: Tamás Gábor Csapó
2017–2021: NKFIH FK-17 research project (124584)
Topic: “Silent Speech Interface based on articulatory movements” PI: Tamás Gábor Csapó
2016–: MTA-ELTE Lendület Lingual Articulation Research Group – funded by the Momentum program of Hungarian Academy of Sciences PI: Alexandra Markó
Jan 2014–Jul 2014: Fulbright scholarship, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, Unites States of America. Supervisor: Dr. Steven M. Lulich.
Professional Activities:
Review-services: IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, Intelligent Decision Technologies, International Journal of Speech Technology, IETE Technical Review, SPECOM (2016), RADIOELEKTRONIKA (2016), Interspeech (2013), CogInfoCom (2013)
Professional association memberships:
International Speech Communication Association
IEEE Signal Processing Society
Scientific Association for Infocommunications Hungary