E-mail: deme.andrea[at]btk.elte.hu
Research Areas: production and perception of sung vowels; innovative/conservative language attitude; language attitude in language change processes and in non-normative phonological processes; acoustics of vowels, development of vowel production in children
2010-2015 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Budapest, Doctoral School of Linguistics, Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics (certificate No. P-4615/2015; Summa cum laude). Thesis Supervisor: dr. Alexandra Markó
2005-2010 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Budapest M.A. in Cultural Antropology and Philology in Hungarian Language and Literature, 2010
Academic Positions
2016- Assistant Lecturer at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Phonetics, Budapest
2013-2016 Junior Research Fellow at Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Experimental and Analogy-Based Phonology and Morphology Research Group
2012-2013 Junior Research Fellow at Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Hungarian Academy of Sciences, MTA NYTI Lendület (“Momentum”) Quantifier Scope Research Group
Teaching Experience
2009 ELTE Radnóti Miklós Secondary School, practice-teaching
2010 Bókay János Secondary School, practice-teaching
Teaching Experience in Higher Education
since 2015 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Budapest Phonetics (BA level) Introduction to Speech Sciences (MA level) Speech Perception (MA level) Sociophonetics (MA level) Applied speech sciences (MA level) Applied Phonetics (MA level), Databases and segmentation (MA), Data analysis (MA)
2014 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Budapest Phonetics (BA, MA, PhD level)
2011 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Budapest Child Language (MA level)
Study Visits, Summer Courses and Other Studies
2013 (Apr) Department of Speech, Music and Hearing, School of Computer Science and Communication, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (study visit)
2012 (Sep) Department of Speech, Music and Hearing, School of Computer Science and Communication, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (study visit)
2012 (28. Jul-3. Aug) Department of Speech, Music and Hearing, School of Computer Science and Communication, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm-Malmköping, Sweden Function of the singing voice, KTH-course DT 211 V (summer course)
2009-2010 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Budapest Student Workshop in Phonetics and Psycholinguistics
2006-2009 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Budapest Experimental and Applied Phonetics Study Program (Certificate issued on March 7. 2012.)
Scholarships and Grants
2015 1st prize: Conference of Junior Research Fellows at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2014 Travel Grant for Conference Attendance, awarded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2013 Scholarship for a study visit to Stockholm, awarded by the Campus Hungary Program, Balassi Institute
2010-2013 PhD Scholarship, awarded by the State of Hungary
2011, 2012 Research Grant, awarded by the Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities (3 times)
Research Projects/Grants (as Member)
2016-2021 MTA-ELTE Lendület (’Momentum’) Lingual Articulation Research Group. LP2016-7/2016 (Principal investigator: Alexandra MARKÓ, Department of Phonetics ELTE)
2016-2019 Neurocognitive predictors of early language development. OTKA 115385 (Principal investigator: István WINKLER, Research Center of Natural Sciences MTA)
2014-2016 Hungarian-German Exchange Project between the Research Institute for Linguistics HAS and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, funded by TKA-DAAD
2014-2016 Hungarian-German Exchange Project between the Eötvös Loránd University and the Univeristät zu Köln, funded by TKA-DAAD
2013 Hungarian-Chinese Exchange Project between the Research Institute for Linguistics HAS and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Beijing, funded by the RIL HAS and the CASS
2013-2014 Hungarian-German Exchange Project between the Research Institute for Linguistics HAS and the Universität Potsdam, funded by MÖB-DAAD
2012-2013 MTA NYTI Lendület (”Momentum”) Quantifier Scope Research Group (Principal investigator: Balázs SURÁNYI, Research Institute for Linguistics MTA)
Scientific activities
Review Services: Acta Linguistica Hungarica (international journal); Beszédkutatás [Speech science] (journal); Language and Speech (journal); The Phonetician (journal); CECIL’S 2 — Central European Conference in Linguistics for Graduate Students (conference and conference proceedings); Félúton[Halfway] Conference in Linguistics for Post-Graduate students (proceedings)
Organizing: since 2015 organizing the Hungarian events of the World Voice Day (with dr. Tamás Hacki)
Membership in Scientific Associations
since 2016 Hungarian Association of Phonetics, Phoniatrics, and Logopedics
since 2016 Member of public body of Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Attendance on International Conferences (as Presenter)
2015 ICPhS 2015: 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Glasgow, UK.
2014 ISSP 2014: 10th International Seminar on Speech Production, Cologne, Germany.
2014 16th Summer School of Psycholinguistics, Balatonalmádi, Hungary.
2013 ICSH 2013: 11th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian, Piliscsaba, Hungary.
2013 SJUSK 2013: Symposium for Contemporary Speech Habits and Pronounciation Patterns, Coppenhagen, Dánia.
2013 Pragmatics on the Go, Padova, Italy.
2013 15th Summer School of Psycholinguistics, Balatonalmádi, Hungary.
2012 Workshop fluent speech, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Invited Speaker
2014 (13 feb) Az énekelt magánhangzók akusztikai és percepciós jellemzői. [Acoustic and perceptual features of sung vowels] Kísérleti és Analógiás Fonológia és Alaktan Kutatócsoport, MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet.
2014 (26 march) Az énekés fonetikája [The phonetics of singing]. Talk given at the Workshop of Young Researchers, Research Institute for Linguistics HAS, Budapest
2013 (5 dec) The production and perception of high-pitched sung vowels in Hungarian. Talk given at the Institute of Linguistics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China
Public Outreach Activities
2016 Why is singing so special? Articulatory and acoustic features of the singing voice. Talk given at the open rehearsal of the Musica Ludens Chamber Choir dedicated to the Wolrd Voice Day. Aranytíz Kultúrház, Tolnay Klári Színpad. http://world-voice-day.org/a-musica-ludens-kamarakorus-nyilvanos-probaja/
2016 Why do we find it difficult to understand the lyrics sung by a soprano? Talk given at the The World Voice Day of the Choir of the Technical University Budapest. https://www.facebook.com/events/827743684021897/ http://www.bme.hu/hirek/20160420/Miszterium_es_technika_egysege
2016 Why do we find it difficult to understand the lyrics sung by a soprano? Talk given at ”The singer’s tasks in the baroque opera” – Discussion dedicated to the World Voice Day. Liszt Academy, I. Előadóterem. http://zeneakademia.hu/hu/klasszikus/-/program/a-hang-vilagnapja–world-voice-day-20160418-1730
2014 The science of speech. Talk given at the ELTE Apáczai Csere János Secondary School, Budapest
Publications: (MTMT)
Altogether 35 publications, of which
- 10 journal papers (6 international, 4 national)
- 17 conference papers (14 international, 3 national)
- 1 books (1 national)
- 6 book chapters (6 national)
- 1 others
- Markó Alexandra, Deme Andrea, Varjasi Gergely, Bartók Márton, Gráczi Tekla Etelka, Csapó Tamás Gábor, Word-initial irregular phonation as a function of speech rate and vowel quality in Hungarian, In: International Seminar on Speech Production, Tianjin, Kína, 2017, p. 2
- Deme Andrea, Gugán Katalin, Sass Bálint, Mády Katalin, Towards capturing implicit innovative language attitude using an auditory Implicit Association Test, In: FINNO-UGRIC LANGAUGES AND LINGUISTICS, vol. 6, no. 1, 2017, p. 38 link
- Deme Andrea, Reinhold Greisbach, Michelle Meier, Bartók Márton, Julianna Jankovics, Zsófia Weidl, Markó Alexandra, Tongue and jaw articulation of soprano singers at high-pitch in Hungarian and German, In: International Seminar on Speech Production, Tianjin, Kína, 2017, p. 4
- Deme A, The Identification of High-pitched Sung Vowels in Sense and Nonsense Words by Professional Singers and Untrained Listeners, In: JOURNAL OF VOICE, vol. 31, no. 2, 2017, pp. 252.e1-252.e14 DOI Scopus
- Mády Katalin, Kleber Felicitas, Reichel Uwe D, Szalontai Ádám, Kohári Anna, Deme Andrea, Prominence-lending boundaries : pauses and their magnifying power, In: Proc. TIE, Canterbury, Egyesült Királyság / Anglia, 2016, pp. 1-2
- Deme Andrea, Reinhold Greisbach, Michelle Meier, Márton Bartók, Julianna Jankovics, Zsófia Weidl, Alexandra Markó, Tongue and jaw movements in high-pitched sung vowels in Hungarian, In: Speech Research, Zágráb, Horvátország, 2016, p. 2
- Deme Andrea, Greisbach Reinhold, Markó Alexandra, Meier Michelle, Bartók Márton, Jankovics Julianna, Weidl Zsófia, Tongue and jaw movements in high-pitched soprano singing : A case study, In: BESZÉDKUTATÁS, vol. 24, 2016, pp. 121-138 DOI
- Deme Andrea, Speech perception at its best: Extracting linguistic information from acoustically underspecified input. The case of singing, In: Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Glasgow, Egyesült Királyság / Anglia, 2015, p. 4 pdf
- Deme Andrea, Speech perception at its best: Extracting linguistic information from acoustically underspecified input. The case of singing, In: XVI. Pszicholingvisztikai Nyári Egyetem, Balatonalmádi, Magyarország, 2014, pp. 37-38
- Deme Andrea, Intelligibility of Sung Vowels: The Effect of Consonantal Context and the Onset of Voicing, In: JOURNAL OF VOICE, vol. 28, no. 4, 2014, p. 7 WoS
- Deme Andrea, Formant strategies of professional female singers at high fundamental frequencies, In: Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP), Köln, Németország, 2014, pp. 90-93
- Mády Katalin, Szalontai Ádám, Deme Andrea, Surányi Balázs, On the interdepencende of prosodic phrasing and prosodic prominence in Hungarian, In: 11th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian, Piliscsaba, Magyarország, 2013
- Deme Andrea, On the Hungarian sung vowels, In: PHONETICIAN, vol. 105-106, 2013, p. 15
- Deme A, Pragmatic functions of lengthenings and filled pauses in the adult-directed speech of Hungarian children, In: New Perspectives on Speech in Action, Koppenhága, Dánia, 2013, pp. 23-40
- Deme A, Markó A, Lengthenings and filled pauses in Hungarian adults’ and children’s speech, In: Proceedings of DiSS 2013, The 6th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Svédország, 2013, pp. 21-24 pdf
- Deme A, Function of the singing voice, In: PHONETICIAN, vol. 105-106, 2013, p. 2
- Andrea Deme, Pragmatic functions of lengthenings and filled pauses of spontaneous child speech in child–adult interaction, In: Pragmatics on the Go, Padova, Olaszország, 2013, p. 1
- Andrea Deme, Pragmatic functions of lengthenings and filled pauses in the adult-directed speech of Hungarian children, In: SJUSK 2013: Symposium for Contemporary Speech Habits and Pronounciation Patterns, Copenhagen, Dánia, 2013
- Andrea Deme, Tekla Etelka Gráczi, Julianna Jankovics, Obstruent voicing in singing, In: Summer School of Psycholinguistics, Balatonalmádi, 26–30th May 2013., Balatonalmádi, Magyarország, 2013, p. 1
- Andrea Deme, Markó Alexandra, Lengthenings and filled pauses in the spontaneous speech of Hungarian adults and children, In: Workshop fluent speech: combining cognitive and educational approaches, Utrecht, Hollandia, 2012, p. 2