E-mail: marko.alexandra[at]btk.elte.hu
Research Areas: spontaneous speech, speech prosody, phonation types (especially irregular phonation), articulation, coarticulation
Education, degrees
2013 Dr. habil. (Habilitation): Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, summa cum laude. Az irreguláris zönge funkciói a magyar beszédben [Functions of irregular phonation in Hungarian speech].
2006 Ph.D. (in linguistics): Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, summa cum laude. A spontán beszéd néhány szupraszegmentális jellegzetessége [On suprasegmental characteristics of spontaneous speech].
2002 M.A. in Hungarian as a foreign language: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.
1999 M.A. in Hungarian linguistics and literature: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.
1998 M.A. in General and applied linguistics: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.
Work experience
since 2019 head of the Department of Applied Linguistics and Phonetics, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
since 2017 head of the Department of Phonetics, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
since 2016 part-time senior research fellow at HAS
since 2015 associate professor at the Department of Phonetics, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
2006–2015 senior lecturer at the Department of Phonetics, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
1998–2006 assistant lecturer at the Department of Phonetics, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
2002 fall guest lecturer at Pannon University, Veszprém
Teaching Experience
Ph.D. level: Research methodology, Spontaneous speech, Speech technology (speech synthesis), research seminars
M.A. level: Speech sciences, Speech production, Speech acoustics, Speech analysis, Applied phonetics, Methodology of speech pedagogy, Research methodology, specialization courses on speech prosody, phonation, applied linguistics
B.A. level: Phonetics, Introduction to speech sciences
7 Ph.D. students, 3 doctoral candidates, 4 obtained Ph.D. degrees
More than 30 B.A. theses, M.A. theses, papers for scientific scholarships, and for the National Scientific Students’ Association
Tutor of students’ research group on phonetics and psycholinguistics
Awards, Scholarships, Grants
2014 certificate of merit, given by the Board of János Bolyai Research Grant, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2012 Wolfgang von Kempelen medal, given by the Hungarian Association of Phonetics, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
2009 Zoltán Gombocz medal, given by the Society of Hungarian Linguistics
Research Projects, Grants
2020-2021 A cross-linguistic articulatory and acoustic analysis of the effect of vowel space density on the variability of vowels, Hungarian-German Exchange Project between the Eötvös Loránd University and the Universität zu Köln, funded by TKI & DAAD (PI: Andrea Deme), senior researcher
2018–2022 Interspeaker and intraspeaker variability of phonetic parameters in Hungarian, FK-128814 (PI: Tekla Etelka Gráczi), senior researcher
2017–2021 Silent Speech Interface based on articulatory movements, FK-124584 (PI: Tamás Gábor Csapó), senior researcher
2015–2016 Articulatory and acoustic analysis of high-pitched sung vowels in Hungarian and German by means of electromagnetic articulography, ultrasound and inverse filtering of the acoustic signal, Hungarian-German Exchange Project between the Eötvös Loránd University and the Universität zu Köln, funded by TKI (previously MÖB) & DAAD, leader researcher
2009–2013 Prosody of spontaneous speech, János Bolyai Research Grant, funded by Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2004–2008 The analysis of the phonetic structures of spontaneous speech, funded by OTKA, researcher
Memberships in research groups and professional societies:
since 2018 Applied Linguistics Committee of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, chairperson
since 2018 Linguistics Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, member
since 2014 Research group for the development of GABI (Gyermeknyelvi beszédAdatBázis és Információtár; Child Language and Speech Database and Information Repository), founding member
since 2008 Spontaneous Speech Research Group, founding member
since 2008 Applied Linguistics Committee of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, member
since 2006 Public Association of PhDs, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, member
since 2005 Hungarian Association of Phonetics, Phoniatrics and Logopedics, member
since 2002 International Society of Phonetic Sciences, member
since 2002 International Phonetic Association, member
since 1996 Society of Hungarian Linguistics, member
Professional Activities:
Participation in Curriculum Development: Experimental and Applied Phonetics Study Program, Language and Speech Development Pedagogical M.A. major, Speech Sciences Disciplinary M.A. major, Applied linguistics Ph.D. program, Speech trainer higher-level vocational training
Review-services: Beszédkutatás (Speech Research journal, regularly), The Phonetician (journal, regularly), Félúton (conference for PhD students in Linguistics, regularly), Beszédkutatás (Speech Research conference, regularly), Journal of Multimodal User Interfaces, Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, Alkalmazott Nyelvészet [Applied Linguistics], Magyar Nyelv [Hungarian Language], Magyar Nyelvőr [Hungarian Language Guardian], Németh, Géza & Olaszy, Gábor ed. A magyar beszéd. Beszédkutatás, beszédtechnológia, beszédinformációs rendszerek [Hungarian Speech. Speech Research, Speech Technology, Speech Information Systems] (Akadémiai Kiadó [Academic Publisher], Budapest, 2010), Gósy, Mária ed. Beszéd, adatbázis, kutatások [Speech, Database, Researches] (Akadémiai Kiadó [Academic Publisher], Budapest, 2012), opponent of 5 PhD theses, member or secretary of 7 Ph.D. and 2 habilitation committees, member of committee for 5 comprehensive examinations, pre-reviewer of 7 Ph.D. theses
Editing: since 2013 editor of the book series Beszéd – Kutatás – Alkalmazás [Speech – Research – Application] at ELTE Eötvös Kiadó [ELTE Eötvös Publisher], so far 10 volumes, 2012 Editor of the book Beszédtudomány [Speech science] published by Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Humanities & Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2009 guest editor of the journal The Phonetician 99-100, since 2008 member of the editorial board of the journal Alkalmazott Nyelvtudomány [Applied Linguistics], since 2007 member of the editorial board of the periodical Beszédkutatás [Speech Research], 2007 Assistant editor of the journal The Phonetician 95 since 2004 Assistant editor of Beszédkutatás [Speech Research journal] journal
Organizing: participation in the organization of Challenges in Analysis and Processing of Spontaneous Speech (CAPSS2017 to be held in May 2017), since 2008 member of the advisory board of the annual Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Doktoranduszkonferencia [Conference for PhD Students in Applied Linguistics], since 2007 member of the advisory board of conference series of Beszédkutatás [Speech Research], 2004 participation in the organization of Fonetika a felsőoktatásban [Phonetics in higher education], Eötvös Loránd University, 2004 participation in organization of the International Workshop in Phonetics Dedicated to the Memory of Wolfgang von Kempelen
Publications: (MTMT)
Altogether 124 publications, of which
- 51 journal papers (8 international, 43 national)
- 24 conference papers (16 international, 8 national)
- 4 books (4 national)
- 35 book chapters (3 international, 32 national)
- 10 others
- Tamás Gábor Csapó, Tamás Grósz, Gábor Gosztolya, László Tóth, Alexandra Markó, DNN-based ultrasound-to-speech conversion for a silent speech interface, In: 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 2017, Stockholm, Svédország, 2017, pp. 3672-3676 DOI Scopus
- Markó Alexandra, Deme Andrea, Varjasi Gergely, Bartók Márton, Gráczi Tekla Etelka, Csapó Tamás Gábor, Word-initial irregular phonation as a function of speech rate and vowel quality in Hungarian, In: International Seminar on Speech Production, Tianjin, Kína, 2017, p. 2
- Gráczi Tekla Etelka, Markó Alexandra, Takács Karolina, Irregular phonation in sentence reading: Comparison of adolescents’ and adults’ speech production, In: International Seminar on Speech Production, Tianjin, Kína, 2017, pp. 137-139
- Deme Andrea, Reinhold Greisbach, Michelle Meier, Bartók Márton, Julianna Jankovics, Zsófia Weidl, Markó Alexandra, Tongue and jaw articulation of soprano singers at high-pitch in Hungarian and German, In: International Seminar on Speech Production, Tianjin, Kína, 2017, p. 4
- Alexandra Markó, Tamás Gábor Csapó, Karolina Takács, Listeners’ evaluation of voice quality in Hungarian speakers, In: BESZÉDKUTATÁS, vol. 25, 2017, pp. 55-66 DOI
- Neuberger T, Bóna J, Markó A, Jordanidisz Á, Bunta F, Vowel duration contrast in three long-short pairs by Hungarian 5-, 6-, and 7- year olds, In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 2015, Chania, Görögország, 2016, pp. 246-251
- Deme Andrea, Reinhold Greisbach, Michelle Meier, Márton Bartók, Julianna Jankovics, Zsófia Weidl, Alexandra Markó, Tongue and jaw movements in high-pitched sung vowels in Hungarian, In: Speech Research, Zágráb, Horvátország, 2016, p. 2
- Deme Andrea, Greisbach Reinhold, Markó Alexandra, Meier Michelle, Bartók Márton, Jankovics Julianna, Weidl Zsófia, Tongue and jaw movements in high-pitched soprano singing : A case study, In: BESZÉDKUTATÁS, vol. 24, 2016, pp. 121-138 DOI
- Markó Alexandra, Kohári Anna, Glottalization and timing at utterance final position in Hungarian: reading aloud vs. spontaneous speech, In: Proceedings of 18th ICPhS, Glasgow, Egyesült Királyság / Skócia, 2015 pdf
- Reichel Uwe, Markó Alexandra, Mády Katalin, Parameterization and automatic labeling of Hungarian intonation, In: Social and Linguistic Speech Prosody, Dublin, Írország, 2014, pp. 738-742 link
- Markó Alexandra, The form and function of interrogatives : A corpus-based study of Hungarian questions, In: VLIxx: Papers in Linguistics. Presented to László Varga on his 70th Birthday, 2014, pp. 351-362
- Markó Alexandra, Gósy Mária, Neuberger Tilda, Prosody patterns of feedback expressions in Hungarian spontaneous speech, In: Social and Linguistic Speech Prosody, Dublin, Írország, 2014, pp. 482-486 link
- Markó Alexandra, Frequency of glottalization in Hungarian read and spontaneous speech, In: Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP), Köln, Németország, 2014, pp. 269-272 link
- Markó Alexandra, The form and function of interrogatives : A corpus-based study of Hungarian questions, In: VLLXX: Papers Presented to László Varga on his 70th Birthday, 2013 link
- Deme A, Markó A, Lengthenings and filled pauses in Hungarian adults’ and children’s speech, In: Proceedings of DiSS 2013, The 6th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Svédország, 2013, pp. 21-24 pdf
- Markó Alexandra, Bóna Judit, Fundamental frequency patterns: The factors of age and speech type, In: Proceedings of 'Sociophonetics, at the crossroads of speech variation, processing and communication', Pisa, Olaszország, 2012, pp. 45-48 pdf
- Markó Alexandra, Boundary marking in Hungarian V(#)V clusters with special regard to the role of irregular phonation, In: PHONETICIAN, vol. 103, 2012, pp. 7-26 pdf
- Markó Alexandra, Dér Csilla Ilona, Age-specific features of the use of discourse markers in Hungarian, In: JEZYK KOMUNIKACJA INFORMACJA / LANGUAGE COMMUNICATION INFORMATION, vol. 7, 2012, p. 12
- Andrea Deme, Markó Alexandra, Lengthenings and filled pauses in the spontaneous speech of Hungarian adults and children, In: Workshop fluent speech: combining cognitive and educational approaches, Utrecht, Hollandia, 2012, p. 2
- Markó A, Gráczi TE, Bóna J, The realization of voicing assimilation rules in Hungarian spontaneous and read speech : Case studies, In: ACTA LINGUISTICA HUNGARICA / ACTA LINGUISTICA ACADEMICA, vol. 57, no. 2-3, 2010, pp. 210-238 WoS
- Dér Csilla Ilona, Markó Alexandra, A pilot study of Hungarian discourse markers, In: LANGUAGE AND SPEECH, vol. 53, no. 2, 2010, pp. 135-180 DOI WoS
- Markó Alexandra, Dér Csilla Ilona, How to distinguish? : A corpus-based study of Hungarian discourse markers, In: Tanulmányok a mentális lexikonról : Nyelvelsajátítás – beszédprodukció – beszédpercepció [Studies on the Mental Lexicon : Language Acquisition – Speech Production – Speech Perception], 2009, pp. 393-408
- Bóna Judit, Gráczi Tekla Etelka, Markó Alexandra, Coarticulation Rules and Speaking Style Dependency, In: Proceedings of the 8th International Seminar on Speech Production 2008, Strasbourg, Franciaország, 2008, pp. 245-248 pdf
- Markó Alexandra, A special conversational device: humming in Hungarian, In: PHONETICIAN, vol. 95, 2007, pp. 28-33
- Bóna J, Gósy M, Markó A, Processing of disfluencies as a function of error type and age, In: 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken, Németország, 2007, pp. 617-620 pdf
- Markó Alexandra, Gráczi Tekla Etelka, The effect of the suprasegmental structure of the stimuli on the word activation processes, 2005
- Markó A, The description of Hungarian suprasegmentals : A historical outline, In: ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS SCIENTIARUM BUDAPESTINENSIS DE ROLANDO EÖTVÖS NOMINATAE - SECTIO LINGUISTICA, vol. XXVI, 2005, pp. 65-74
- Markó Alexandra, Methods and Tools for Phonetics Teaching at Loránd Eötvös University of Sciences in Budapest, In: European Workshop on Education and Research in Speech Communication Sciences in Associated Countries (WERA), Cluj-Napoca, Románia, 2001, pp. 53-56